How to spice up Milestone Rewards with Clocks.
Milestone rewards is controversial in tabletop roleplaying games - this is not a post about that. Instead of looking at the why-nots of Milestone rewards, lets instead work on making them gameable. Let's look at what milestone XP is, exactly. The following is the Milestone leveling system as explained in The Black Hack : Adventurers learn through defeating and overcoming obstacles. Killing one boring Kobold won’t bring a revelation of learning to someone. Surviving a dungeon, completing a quest or simply living to tell the tale are the things that bring perspective and growth. The old experience system has been completelydiscarded. For every session/dungeon level/quest/ major event the character survives they gain a level.The GM will decide which, and it’s recommended that this decision remains more or less a constant throughout the campaign- and a GM should be clear and upfront with the players so they know where the ‘goalposts’are. How do we be "clear and upfront...